NHS workers to get free sauna this Spring

Nearly 30 saunas across the UK are offering NHS staff and link workers free sauna sessions for Social Prescribing Day 2024.

You know those particularly great sauna sessions, when you come out feeling like everything has just changed for the better?

Those moments are almost impossible to describe to someone who hasn’t been through it themselves. The best way to convince people of the health-giving and life-affirming benefits of sauna is to get them to experience it for themselves.

Kicking off on Thursday 14th March on Social Prescribing Day, saunas from across the UK are inviting NHS staff and link workers to come and bathe with them for one free session. Saunas will be able to schedule the sessions up until April 13th.

The aim is to not only give back to people who give so much to others, but to inspire that ‘aha moment’ of the authentic sauna experience. If our health care services can experience and know we what do - that sauna delivers potent physical, mental and social benefits - we hope that they’ll be keen to recommend it as a preventative health measure in their communities.


Historic England: The Finnish sauna from 1948 London Olympics granted Grade II listed status